My Talks Around the World

I am an experienced public speaker!

Over the past 20 years, I have spoken at schools and events across the world including writing, translation, and editing conferences and workshops for the US Government, the European Commission, R1 and R2 Level Research Institutions, Plain Language Association International, American Translators Association, American Medical Writers Association, RedACTE international Spanish editors alliance, and much more!

I have engaged audiences live in all these cities and many more virtually:

Atlanta, Bogotá, Boston, Buenos Aires, Cambridge, Colonia del Sacramento, Guadalajara, Johannesburg, Jose, La Plata, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico City, Miami, New Orleans, New York, Oslo, Palm Springs, Phoenix, Quito, Rome, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Singapore, Tarragona, Toronto, Washington D.C.

Get in touch if you'd like to book me for a future speaking engagement.

Booking Requirements


A workshop, master class, presentation or course takes many, many hours of designing, writing, editing, and practicing–yes, I prepare that much. This is my work, so I will charge you for it. And you will get your money’s worth and so much more! 

I do, however, occasionally donate my time to special events open to the public organized by non-profits.

Paid Travel

If travel is required, you will have to pay for it. But reach out to me, if I plant to be in the area, it may cost you less than you think!

Code of Conduct

If your organization does not have a Code of Conduct, let’s create one at least for the event. Delimiting expectations will ensure everyone will take away something positive. A presentation takes many hours and even days of designing, editing, and practicing–yes, I prepare that much! This is my work, so I will charge you for it. I do, however, donate my time to special events open to the public organized by non-profits.

November 5th, 2022

Plain Language for Medical Writers

Learn strategies that will make you a plain language writer your clients will love!

Do you wonder what plain language is all about? Do you need to comply with new plain writing or accessibility regulations? Do you simply want additional tools to be clear? Plain language aims to enable access, understanding, and use of information. And it is essential to address the increasingly complex needs of medical communication.

Plain language applies to lay, technical, and easy-read communication. Yet, it is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Join me in exploring techniques to build meaning with clarity and infuse it with empathy for different audiences.

October 14th, 2022

To Cheat or Not to Cheat: Value-Added Writing with Plain language

In a world of fast approaching deadlines and post-editing of machine translation, how can translators advocate for their readers? Do we stick with the source text? Go into flights of fancy? Through interactive examples, the speaker will share the process of combining precision with idiomaticity using plain language principles. Starting from too faithful a version of a source text, the speaker will work on step-by-step improvements for rewriting copy into a target version that can stand on its own. Through guided discussion, attendees will build a toolbox of strategies to add value to their writing.

October 13th, 2022

The Role of Plain Language in Health Literacy

Introduction into plain language for health professionals new to health literacy, including health educators, nurses, doctors, public health authorities, and more.

July 18, 2022

PLAIN Matters Live on Linked-in

  • Launching our first live conversation with Editor Virginia St-Denis
  • It will broadcast on Linked-in and be available as a recording on PLAIN's website
  • I am thrilled to lead this project as a member of the Communications and Professional Development Committees with the Board of Directors of Plain Language Association International,, with the collaboration of fellow Board Member, and James Fisher-Martins, our communications Coordinator!
  • November 29, 2021

    Clase Magistral OMT

  • El derecho a entender
  • El acceso lingüístico y la traducción
  • Alfabetización médica
  • Lenguaje claro
  • Lenguaje libre de sesgo
  • November 5, 2021

    Sesión sobre lenguaje claro y empatía en la traducción

  • El derecho a entender
  • El acceso lingüístico y la traducción
  • Lenguaje claro
  • Lenguaje libre de sesgo
  • El lenguaje claro apunta al éxito de la comunicación en todo contexto informativo. No se limita a la comunicación con un público o sobre un tema determinado, sino que abarca la comunicación entre expertos sobre temas complejos, la divulgación para lectores no especializados y las estrategias de accesibilidad para lectores con discapacidades u otras limitaciones. ¿Cómo es posible este abanico de aplicaciones? Gracias a que todo texto, especializado o no, emerge de una interacción intencionada entre elecciones léxicas, sintácticas y estructurales, incluso el diseño entra en juego como importante estrategia de apoyo. Nos ceñimos a los textos informativos por ser estos tendientes a la transmisión de conocimientos para el aprendizaje, la toma de decisiones o la realización de una tarea o proceso. La claridad se basa siempre en los mismos principios, que se convierten así, en los principios del lenguaje claro. Durante esta breve exposición, presentaremos los principios del lenguaje claro a través de ejemplos reales y propondremos técnicas de expresión para cumplir con ellos, con especial atención a las instancias de intervención en el proceso de traducción.

    October 30, 2021

    ATA62 #ATA62NewStandard

    The speakers will provide an overview of the standard and examples of how it can be applied to translation, even when the source text itself may disregard the guidelines.

    October 30, 2021

    ATA62 #ATA62Editors

    Come learn about the Alliance of Spanish Editing Associations (RedACTE) and tips about editing and partnering with editors. In Spanish!

    October 27, 2021

    AST at ATA62 #ATA62BiasFreeLanguage

    Bias-free language is friendly and fair—sensitive to differences and respectful of accuracy, and thus promotes clear communication. This is relevant for translators/interpreters, who facilitate clear communication across languages and must balance responsibility to the source content with fidelity to the target language. Descriptors and designations free from bias greatly contribute to clarity through precision. During this workshop, the speaker will discuss guidelines—based on the American Psychological Association concept of intersectionality—on how to address age, disability, gender, participation in research, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status

    October 14, 2021

    Clear writing for Europe 2021

    The importance of testing communications for your audience Best practices in health communication: textuality and adequacy strategies for lain and bias-free language. Presenting alongside Lodewijk van Noort and Laura Salovaara, moderated by Conrad Toft (Head of Unit, English & Irish Translation Unit, Joint Services of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions)

    October 8, 2021

    EnClaro Encuentros sobre lenguaje claro

    Mesa redonda: cómo poner en marcha un plan de claridad

    September 15, 2021

    IHA Webinar Series

  • The Right to Understand
  • A New Definition of Health Literacy
  • Plain Language & Versions
  • Bias-Free Language
  • Examples from Practice
  • May 26 2021

    LSED Petition

    Sign and send by May 26, 2021.
    We need ATA members support to make this happen!
    Below is a fillable .doc file. Remember fo rename the file with your name before sending to Jamie Padula at

    Curious about why this new division wants to be born?

    Here's a pdf file with answers!

    19 de mayo 2021

    Conferencia abierta

  • El derecho a la salud
  • La alfabetización en salud
  • El lenguaje claro
  • Lenguaje libre de sesgo
  • Empatía y comunicación
  • 7 de mayo de 2021

    Correcta Tarragona, con el  lema «Corrección y traducción en el entorno digital»

    La jornada está organizada por la Unión de Correctores (UniCoy los departamentos de Filologías Románicas y de Estudios Ingleses y Alemanes de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili y se desarrollará en formato virtual, de 09:45 a 20:30 (CET) a través de la plataforma Zoom.

    February 23, 2021

    Round Table with Dr. Annetta Cheek and Katherine Spivey at L.E.A.R.N.

  • Workshop hosted by the Foreign Language Program Office of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the National Cryptologic School (NCS)